Monday 1 June 2009

Second Weekend: PARIS! To Be Continued...

Like the weekend in Amsterdam, I'm just gonna pack my entire weekend in Paris into one epic blog. It was one of the coolest weekends of my life.

- Took the EuroStar train and arrived in Paris around 3. Immediately went on a great bus tour through the city. Once the tour got into the heart of the city my thoughts were "Wow this is the nicest city I've ever been in" (Rome was #1).
- Checked into our hotel which was only a few blocks away from the Eiffel Tower - AMAZING. We found out that the rooms cost $550 a night to stay in, so we somehow got some ridiculously good group discount since the entire trip cost about $700. Quite a step up from staying in Bobs Youth Hostel only a week ago.
- Had a superb dinner on Friday night with the entire group. One of the best meals I've had in years. Completely splurged and spent 35 Euro but it was completely worth it. For my main course I had roasted duck because I've always wanted to say "Oh, the duck was splendid". Now I can.
- After dinner, we bought cheap wine and headed to the Eiffel Tower. The spectacle of the Eiffel Tower at night is truly incredible. It doesn't even seem real. It was just great to drink with friends near one of the most famous monuments in the world.
- On Saturday, we bought 2 day museum passes and went to the Louvre which was obviously incredible. To call that place gigantic would be an understatement.


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