Sunday 7 June 2009

Day 15: Westminster Abbey, BBC, Nightlife


- Visited Westminster Abby in the morning. Even though I had already been there the previous summer with my family, it was still a spectacle to see once more. I swear that it has to be the most architecturally detailed place ever created.
- After grabbing lunch at ULU, we headed to BBC for our guided tour. This was one of the things I was looking more forward to and I'm happy to say that it didn't disappoint . Although I wish the tour could of been a little longer, the BBC headquarters was really cool place to see. I also learned how crazy Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey and Prince really are.
- That night we went out to this new bar called Kiss the Sky for Meredith's birthday celebration. It was smaller and more low key than the places we've usually been going out but it was still a great time. There was live acoustic music as well as a really talented dude on the electric violin. I was going to go up and play but unfortunately the night was all booked up. I ordered a drink called "Sea Breeze" and it was definitely one of my most embarrassing moments of this trip.

- On BBC, it was nice to do something directly media related. I think everyone in the group payed close attention to the tour and the surroundings since we are media/communication's majors after all.
- I'm missing my guitar more than any other object right now. Its been like an itch I can't scratch. I somehow want to find a place where I can rent one for the remainder of the trip.
- Kiss the Sky was probably the place where I most felt like I was really part of the London culture. One of musicians that played that night told us that he didn't play his two Anti-American songs because we were there. How nice.

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