Sunday 7 June 2009

Day 16: Tate Modern, Bob Craigness, Wicked


- Took a long trek to the Tate Modern, which was the nicest modern art gallery I've ever been in. Even though I didn't "get" some of the art there (a glass display of 3 vacuum cleaners for instance), theres was still plenty of awesome work to check out. The Tate also had one of the most best gift shops I've ever seen. Seriously, it should have been its own store.
- Received a lecture on WWII from the fountain of knowledge aka Bob Craig and then we headed to the Imperial War Museum. This museum was spectacular and definitely one of my favorites of the trip. They had a terribly sad yet immensely important Holocaust exhibit on the top floor which I checked out.
- At night, we had Wicked. Before the play started, I foolishly spent $9.50 on a Jack and Coke. I was pretty upset about it. Since I already saw Wicked last summer at the exact same place with the exact same cast, I wasn't as floored by the performance as everyone else was. Don't get me wrong, it was still an amazing show. The song "Gravity" could be a #1 hit on the radio instead of all the other crap on the airwaves these days.

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