Tuesday 9 June 2009

Reflection on the past 3 weeks

Where to begin. These past 3 weeks have been some of the most eventful times of my life. Every single day was packed with exciting new experiences. I feel like I didn't waste a single minute of my time. All the things I had heard about how studying abroad will change your life forever is absolutely true. Hell, this experience felt life changing within the first 48 hours of arriving over seas. And I still have another 3 weeks to go.

It's hard to put into blog format how rewarding this trip has been for me. It without a doubt gave me a greater perspective and insight into culture and society in general. Living on the other side of the world will do that to you. This trip has also given me a stronger sense of independence. Even though I was with other friends/students most of the time, the fact that I was doing all of this without my parents (I mean without them physically, financially they are the reason why I'm here) gave me a feeling of accomplishment and adventure that I've never felt before. I also acquired a wealth of new knowledge about British history, media and lifestyle. I learned what its like to live in a big city and became very well acquainted with public transportation (perhaps a little too acquainted at times). This city living experience was significant to me since I have had plans for years and years to live in a big city such as New York or Chicago after I graduate. This trip has completely reinforced the fact that I know I want to live in a big city sometime in the future.

Lastly, I think the people on this trip have made a profound impact on me. Before studying abroad began, I was only really friends with Rob - everyone else I was acquaintances with or didn't even know at all. Now after 3 weeks, I can honestly say that I've made at least 10 legitimate new friends here. They've each helped me grow socially. Seeing as with your with the group every single day, you bond rather fast with these people and almost instantly make connections. It has been a wonderful time spending such an amazing trip with equally amazing people.

Here's to another 3 weeks.

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