Monday 8 June 2009

Day 17: British Media, Windsor Castle, Drunk Old Men etc


- Had another really good lecture about British Media by Dr. Alex Seago, who was hilarious and intelligent. I seriously wanted to ask him if he had a comedy tape out and where I could purchase it. He discussed many of the differences between European and American culture, society and media.
- Headed to Windsor castle for the afternoon. This was another sight that I had seen the previous summer with my family, so I couldn't get that much out of it. It was still really cool to see such a grand place as well as the intimidatingly mechanical castle guards. One of them almost slipped and fell and it could of been one of the top 5 funniest moments of the entire trip.
- That night we went to our Goose again where we ran into some interesting characters. And by interesting I mean blackout drunk, 40 year old men in business attire. And this was at like 8 o'clock. One of them went into the womens bathroom and stayed in there for about 30 minutes. Another one advised Justin to be a male stripper. It was clearly a little uncomfortable to be around.

- During our British media lecture, we talked a lot about British newspapers and what kinds of people read certain ones. It was interesting to see how prominent newspapers still are in the UK, while they are slowly becoming a dead species in the US.
- I cannot believe anyone doesn't think the Beatles are the greatest band of all time. Even if its Lacey.
- I encountered a weird moment in Starbucks in Windsor when I asked for a frappucino and they said they had no coffee, just cream. Really? A Starbucks that doesn't have coffee? Thats like going to McDonalds and them saying "no, we don't sell meat, just bread".

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