Monday 1 June 2009

Day 10: Kew Gardens etc.


- Had a relaxing morning for a change. Rob and I took our time to make up for the shortage of mornings where we could take our time. Showed up at AIFS to go over details for our Paris trip (!) and to discuss our blogs and proposals.
- Visited Kew Gardens. Had a pint before hand because it seemed that flowers would be better to look at with a little bit of a buzz. This turned out true. The garden was in fact really nice however the tour guide was a little dull. It was just one of those things I wanted to observe, rather than listen. We were able to make it to the tree top walk way just in time which was sweet. We also saw a Peacock which was really cool until it let it this horrendous scream. I came to the conclusion that it was possessed by Satan.
- Went back home early and spent the night in for a change. It was pretty casual day.

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