Monday 8 June 2009

Day 18: Parliament, Most Epic Dance Party of my Life


- Took a tour of Parliament in the afternoon. Parliament was really nice, but our tour guide was a little cold. I got yelled at for attempting to take a sip of water. Theres too much authority in that place. Haha.
- That night some of us ate a really nice Italian place near ULU. Some of the best Italian food I've had in a while actually, and it was in London - interesting. Then we embarked on which turned out to be on probably the most fun night of the entire trip. The whole group met at the bar/club at ULU and it broke into the biggest dance party I've seen in years. It felt like a wedding reception or something. The place played a lot of American classics such as "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Shook Me All Night Long" which really got us all revved up. I bet the other Londoners at the bar were thinking "I didn't know Americans could rage like that" hah. There was some drama towards the end of the night but everything worked out.


- I know I've said this before, but I need reiterate how great everyone on this trip is. I really, really like nearly everyone in the group and I think we all have became closer than we ever thought we would have. It seems as though I can't imagine a better collection of people to take such a journey with (Insert "awww" audience track from episode of Full House).
- Even outside of our group, I have run in to hardly any rude Londoners. Sure at first glance most them seem unhappy and have a "do not disturb me" look. But once you engage in conversation with, you will sure learn this is not the case at all. After all, the UK are our America's greatest allies (dumb analogy).

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