Sunday 7 June 2009

Day 14: Parliament and what not


- Received a lecture on Parliament and Politics by Graham Brady MP. The lecture was interesting at times and a little dull at others. It was still really cool to just be inside of Parliament and Big Ben. It seems like one of those buildings that I never thought I would be able to go inside of.
- Had another lecture about the European Union at ULU. This lecture was very interesting for a few reasons. First off, I had no idea what the European Union was nor did I know much about European whatsoever, so the lesson turned out to be very informative. The professor was really cool too - he spoke to us in a way that was funny, realistic and intelligent. I think he made a good connection with all the students in our group.
- We then had to rush to catch a train to Hampton Court Palace. Once we got there, we did a few random things like take a tour of the maze (I was little disappointed by the maze since for some bizarre reason I thought it was gonna be like the maze from The Shining - not the case). We didn't stay too long since we were all a little tired and worn out from tours and British History.
- A bunch of us went out to Goose for dinner and had a fun time as usual. We talked about things such as Biggie vs. Tupac (Biggie) and Aliens vs. Ghosts (Aliens).

- I really wish European history was more incorporated into the educational system back in the States. The lecture on the European Union made me realize how little I know about Europe. There should be a General Education requirement for Radford on Europe.

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