Sunday 31 May 2009

Day 8: Long Day

- Had to wake up ridiculously early in Amsterdam to catch our flight back to the UK. Actually got a good nights sleep considering the apocalypse like thunder storm that was raging outside my hostel window. And that I was sleeping in a hostel.
- By 10 am, I had already taken a plane flight, bus rides, and 2 different trains. Needless to say I was pretty exhausted at this point.
- Arrived at AIFS early for our lecture on British History. The lecture was fine because it was Bob (the most intelligent man in London) giving the lecture.
- Did a guided tour of the Victoria and Albert museum. This was honestly the least interesting tour we had taken thus far. This was probably due to having such a hectic morning.
- Rob and I had to rush back to our homestay to get ready for the Shakespeare Globe Theater performance. After making good time the tube, we found out that our bus decided to not to run on this day. As a result, we spent about another hour trying to get to our house which is only 10 minutes away. I took a 25 second shower and we were able to make the performance just in time at 7:30.

- The Globe Theater show was actually better than I expected. Although the show didn't really contain my type of humor, it was still entertaining and a unique way to spend an evening. The theater itself was indeed very neat. I can definitely appreciate the production value of something like that.

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