Friday 22 May 2009

Day 4: Amsterdam Tomorrow!


- Had to wake up very early around 8 a.m. to get to the Tower of London tour at 9:45. We thought we were gonna be really late, but it turned out that we were of the first ones there. The Tower of London tour was awesome and we had this intimidating yet great beefeater tour guide.
- Journeyed around for a bit looking for a place where like 10 of could all eat. We finally got to this pretty cool pub and I had fish and chips. Conclusion: fish and chips are not that good.
- Came back home at an early time around 3 and took my first nap in London, which was phenomenal. Also decided that I am going to write my class research paper on comparing advertising in the UK and US. Thats a pretty broad subject but by the time I write it it will be more narrow and to the point.
- Right now I'm about to take a shower and then head downtown to pre-game at a bar and then going clubbing or something. Should be really fun. Oh and a bunch of us are flying out to Amsterdam tomorrow at 3!


- Even though I previously been to the Tower of London last summer, the second time through it I was able to get more out of the experience. Like I said our tour guide was really charismatic and funny and I was able to learn a good amount about the Tower.
- On fish and chips. Yeah its just not that good. I'd rather have burger and chips, or sandwich and chips or even chips and chips. It's just not a very tasty combination.
- Overall today was a little more relaxing since we only had a half day of class (just the Tower of London tour) and then we were free for the weekend. It was nice since the past few days have been so crammed with plans that it's been a little overwhelming at times.
- I'm obviously very excited for Amsterdam for various reasons. Should be quite an adventure.

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