Thursday 21 May 2009

Day 1: Jetlag Dillusions

Recap of the day:

- Flight went smoothly and got in around 6 a.m. (London time). Virgin Atlantic airlines was really, really nice but I couldn't sleep at all.
- Rainy bus ride to AIFS center where Rob almost had a hunger starvation breakdown.
- Chilled at AIFS and took care of some basic things such as getting a new cell phone, taking out pounds and eating lunch.
- Rob and I couldn't go to our homestay until around 4:30 so we basically had to sit in the AIDS computer lounge and fight off Jetlag for 6 hours. It was some of the weirdest hours of my life (since we were all running on zero hours of sleep).
- Finally arrived at our homestay, met our homestay mom, showed us around her amazing townhouse and settled in there.
- Went out to eat at this pretty nice Italian place where the service was terrible but then again thats how it is in the UK.
- Met up with some of the girls at this awesome bar called O'Niels which is probably the coolest bar/pub I've been in. It was gigantic.
- Went to bed around midnight since I had not slept in over 48 hours. Word.

- I didn't experience much culture shock because of the fact that I had been to London the summer before for a few days so I at least knew what to expect in a general sense.
- One aspect of London that confused was the English accent. They all speak way too fast at times and it is difficult to understand. I usually always ask "what's that?" after they speak to me.
- I love pub culture because it almost like the anti-college house party scene. This pleases me because I was starting to get really worn out on college house parties (unless they were thrown at our house of course).
- Like I mentioned above we were all experiencing rediculous jet lag so I can probably say that today was the least enjoyable day I'm going to have on this trip. Regardless, it was still a sweet day.

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