Wednesday 27 May 2009

First Weekend: I Amsterdam

So I spent Saturday afternoon until Tuesday morning in Amsterdam and I decided I'm going to just compress this eventful weekend into one ultimate blog post.

- Flew on EasyJet airlines for the first time which was actually a little better than expected. They were nicer than Ryan Air aka Greyhound Bus in the Sky. The flights there and back felt like we were in the air for literally 18 minutes (was actually 40 minutes).
- Arrived in Amsterdam around 5:30 on Saturday afternoon. Went to find Bob's Youth Hostel and get checked in. Staying in this hostel was officially the oddest place I've ever slept in in my entire life. More on this below.
- Explored the city of Amsterdam to a great extent. Went to a few parks, the marketplace, the I Amsterdam statue, Red Light District (obviously) checked out the outside of the Anne Frank House and Van Gough museum and a bunch of other interesting things.
- Met a bunch of interesting (to say the least) people at the lounge in the hostel we were staying in. One of the people we met was this crazy Brit named Stuart. I decided to nickname Stuart "Wikipedia" since he seemed to have bottomless knowledge of literally every thing in the universe. He used percentages a lot. Unfortunately, I only believed a small percentage of what came out of his mouth. He was actually pretty cool, and we used him as our personal tour guide for one of the days.

- Amsterdam really is as crazy as people say it is. Its craziness is actually almost underrated. The first night we got there a few of us experienced a little bit of culture shock because it really is a strange place.
- The food there is a bit weird. It seemed like every thing was made up of really bizarre combinations - like salami and cream cheese or cucumber and eggs. I actually ate at a McDonalds there (sue me) and the chicken sandwich was good but the fries tasted like styrofoam. You win some, you lose some.
- Like I said above, Bobs Youth Hostel was the oddest place I've ever slept in in my life. Hostels are just odd in general. Sleeping a room with total strangers every night is definitely a unique experience. The shower in the hostel looked like a chamber I would be killed in. Aside from this, it was overall a rewarding time. I tried not to complain at all and just thought to myself "your going to remember this trip for the rest of your life, so just enjoy it".
- Even though I thoroughly enjoyed Amsterdam, I do not think I would have liked to spend more than 4 days there at a time.

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