Friday 22 May 2009

Day 3: Dream Internship


- Woke up and left at 10:30 a.m. for my intern interview with the XK8 Organisation at 12 p.m. I knew I was gonna get lost on my way there, but I didn't know that I was gonna redefine the word "lost" itself. I got lost in every section of traveling there. On the bus, the tube, and in the streets walking around. More on this below.
- Fortunately once I finally arrived to my interview, it went great. The two guys I'm gonna be working for (Jeff and Rob) are two just straight up rocker dudes promoting concerts in the London area. Again, more on all of this below.
- After the interview, I had to get to the British Museum for a guided tour, but of course I got really, really lost trying to walk there. I finally arrived just in time for the tour, which was pretty cool. The only drawback was that all of the objects and artifacts there sort of looked the same and all had the same vibe to it. But then again the museum also contained the most epic looking ceiling I've ever seen in my life. Hopefully when I get some more time I can put a picture of it on here (as well as a bunch of others).
- Post British museum, we walked to the British Library, which was brief but breathtaking (I never thought I would use library and breathtaking in the same sentence, but this one was). We went into this room which contained tons and tons of prestigious literary works including the Magna Carta, original Mozart works, the original Alice in Wonderland and of course, original Beatles lyrics. I wanted to call my dad just to ignite him with pure jealousy when I was just a foot away from the original hand written lyrics of "Yesterday" written by Sir Paul McCartney.
- That night about 10 of us went out to O'Niels again and had a really good time. The only negative was that there was this bartender who clearly did not like Americans, or did not like me anyway. Whatever.

- On the subject of getting lost, the most confusing aspect of London is the arrangement of the street signs. They are just really small signs that are placed on random parts of buildings parallel to the street. I'm also convinced the street names change almost every block, since that is the way it appeared on my map, which I blame 100% for making me so lost.
- A little more about my interview. I am basically going to promoting various concerts and club nights throughout London through means of creating flyers and internet marketing, (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter etc.) I'm also going to get to attend a lot of these concerts and hopefully get a better sense of what the music industry is really like. I feel like this internship is perfect for me since I already have had experience doing these types of things for North Avenue. Plus the fact that I absolutely love the marketing aspect of music. Additionally I got the sense that I would really actually applying my knowledge and skills to this internship, and not just fetching co-workers coffee or tea. I'm ecstatic about my internship placement especially after going through such a God-awful process to obtain a UK entry visa. But that's all done now and it's all good.
- Really only the consistently bad part of this trip so far is how long to it takes to get back home from most parts of London. It usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour and this involves being a jam packed tube and waiting for buses to come. It's just a pretty tedious process that can wear you down very easily after doing so much in one day.

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